Child Support

Child Support

Kids are expensive. We love them dearly, but they cost money. Medical costs, educational costs, and just general living expenses such as shelter and food can be overwhelming for two parent households, let alone those that experience divorce. In Texas, when parents decide that they will no longer be supporting the children together in one household, the law provides a means to help ensure that both parents will continue to provide financial support once the parents have separated.

In Texas, a parent who is awarded primary physical possession of minor children is usually entitled to receive a fair amount of child support each month. Our attorneys work to ensure that the children of the marriage are adequately supported. We work closely with our clients to review and compare the incomes (if any) of the parents and apply the guidelines provided for in the law.

Most parents do have a general concept that child support is usually ordered. However, most do not understand the way it works, how it can work, or even how the amount ordered is determined. Our experienced attorneys are here to help you navigate the process, before, during, and after the divorce.

Often, parents also do not realize that child support can be reviewed and modified on a regular basis. Perhaps you or the child’s other parent has had a significant job change resulting in a change of income. Medical needs arise. Educational needs crop up. Or your child’s living situation has changed, and you need to adjust support accordingly.

In addition, although Texas law provides guidelines for the amount of child support to be paid, it also provides flexibility within those guidelines to meet the special needs some children require. These special needs can include medical needs, educational needs, or other ways your child or children may need extra support. If you are a parent of a child with special needs, call us and we will help create a child support arrangement that addresses your child’s needs.

Perhaps one parent has neglected to pay their share of the child support, leaving the other parent in a difficult position. The State of Texas provides avenues to help recoup this support and restore the financial assistance ordered by the court. If you need assistance pursuing enforcement of and collecting child support, contact our experienced attorneys. We have worked in Tarrant, Dallas, Denton, Wise, and Navarro counties to help our clients receive what is owed to them.  Or maybe you have been ordered by the courts to pay a particular amount and due to your particular situation, it is not possible for you to do so. The State of Texas has legal consequences in place that include but aren’t limited to actions that can affect your driver’s license. We can help you discover how the amount was decided on and assist you in negotiating a plan that works within your means while mitigating any consequences that may have arisen.

Our attorneys work to educate our clients on how the laws are set up, how other decisions can affect whether child support is ordered, and if it is ordered, the amount that is ordered. Whether you need help in setting the proper child support amount, collecting the proper amount, or requesting a modification of the court-ordered amount owed, we are here to help. We seek to help our clients make the best decisions possible in each circumstance.

Contact our family attorneys today at 817-616-0734 for more information and to schedule a consultation.

Routzon Law Firm

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